Come and join me on Saturday this week (2nd Nov) and focus on happiness just for a day. Be in the company of other people who want to feel happy. Laugh, chat with others, enjoy learning something new, be entertained and energised. See what a difference it can make to your life.
I know that it won't change your circumstances, but it will help you feel better, feel lighter and happier. When you feel better - you cope with life differently. You see solutions. You have energy to do things. You can take action.
If you want life to be happier then make one step. Come and enjoy Scotlands Happiness Day conference with me.
I created Scotland's Happiness Day to be a day where our energy and focus is on feeling good, sharing that with others and thanking the positive people in our lives. What could it do for you, your family and your friends? What could this do to Scotland?
I know what a difference it has made to my life.
If you can't join me there then do something that will boost your happiness and those around you. For one day put your focus on happiness, explore what makes you happy. You may get a surprise. Kim x
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