Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Be fabulous start a kindness wave and beat stress

Be kind on National Stress Awareness Day
SO today 6th November is national stress awareness day.  Are you aware of your stress?  Are you thinking about it, worrying about it and focusing on it?  STOP ! 
I understand the need to highlight the difficulties that stress creates in our life, I know the impact it can have on your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.  But focusing on the problem creates more of the problem.  What would you like instead of the stress?
What can you do today to shift your thinking, to change how you feel and move towards a happier and more positive life?  Breathe – take some time out and imagine what the difference your life would be like if you felt happier and more positive?  What if you could change how you feel now?
You can – your circumstances are not controllers of you.  You are the controller of you.  You have a choice about what you think and how you react to any situation.  If you choose to focus your thoughts on feeling good for even a few minutes you will feel less stressed.
The quickest way to feel good is to do something for someone else.  Be kind and help another person. It can be the smallest of things – smile, hold a door open, make someone a cup of tea, say hello, there are an infinite number of ways to be kind.  Go on give it a try for today see how many people you can be kind to and then notice what a difference it makes to how you feel.
Your acts of kindness create ripples and you will have a bigger impact that you may ever know.  Go on de stress, be fabulous start a kindness wave today.

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